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2013. Cambodia

Border crossing between Vietnam and Cambodia Still the border crossing Quality road near the border Body bags?! ...oh, it's just corn Why don't we just put this fucking wedding here Gordana, Nata, Vid Dachaz, Marina Phnom Penh Marijana, Jovana Royal Palace KF... wait, what? Bony bacon and eggs Killing Fields Old Chinese tomb Wait, which country am I in again? Mind the plastic bag of juice Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum Phnom Penh Perly gates of Royal Palace Zombie Buddha Which country am I in, again? Family photo Cinnamon fries It's not a rush hour, it's always like this Genuine goods For a good time, call Siem Reap See Remko, no cockroaches! Siem Reap Market Siem Reap Pub Street HAPPY PIZZA Angkor Wat No sun in this sunrise Happy pizza taking its toll Tomb Raider time Rhinoplasty Lobotomy The Lingam - i.e. Shiva's penis in Kali's vagina PASTE YOUR FACE HERE I hate my job. Run, fatboy, temple run This little mofo has a giant beetle on that string Temple of a 1000 faces Ta Prohm Ne mogu da rolam, jer me bole ruke Red curry Blessing dance Coconut shell dance Apsara dance Pailin Peacock Dance Ream Liak and Joop Liak dance Fishing dance